فاعلية برنامج توجيه جمعي لتحسين مهارتي توكيد الذات وحل النزاعات لدى طلبة الصف التاسع الأساسي في محاف

The effect of a collective guidance program in improving both, skills of self-assertion and conflict
resolution among Ninth Grade students at Al Karak
Anas Saleh Al-dalaein
Mu’tah University, 2011

This study was to investigate the effectiveness of a collective guidance program in improving both, skills of self-assertion and conflict resolution among ninth grade students at al karak directorate of education for the academic year 2010 / 2011. The program was based on a cognitive behavioral therapy .
The sample of the study consisted of (51) students from hazza’ primary school for boys. which was randomly selected. to achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher used three measuring instruments; collective guidance program, self-assertion (laratos) and conflict resolution measurements.
The findings of the study indicated that the guidance program was very effective in improving the skills of collective self-assertion amongst students. the findings of the study showed that there was statistically significant for guidance program in improving both, skills of self-assertion and conflict resolution,
In light of the findings of the study, the researcher proposed the following recommendations the us of the guiding programs widely in Jordanian primary schools to improve the skills of collective self-assertion among primary students. Also consellors are to use collective self-assertion and conflict resolution in their guidance collective programs in the conselling plans.