مقارنة بين أنماط التنشئة الوالدية ومستوى تعليم الوالدين واثر كل منهما على التكيف النفسي عند طلبة الم

A comparison between the Parental formation patterns and their educational level and the impact of each on the psychological adjustment in
the basic stage students that enrolled in private and public schools in Al-Karak
Mohammed Sarayreh
Mutah University, 2011

The present study aimed to identify the impact of each of the Parental formation patterns and their educational level and the impact of each on the psychological adjustment in the basic stage students that enrolled in private and public schools in Al-Karak.
The study sample consisted of (1845) students (males and females), (1626) students of whom from public schools, (219) students from private schools, the sample has been selected by the caste cluster random way, The results of the study indicates that there is an existence of a positive effect of the democratic formation pattern in both father and mother on the children psychological adaptation, The results also indicate the existence of a positive impact of the parents educational high level on the children psychological adaptation, as well as the results of the indicates that there is an existence of significant differences in the personal psychological and social adaptation is attributable to the sex variable, Where the differences in personal adaptation in favor of males, while the differences in social adaptation were in favor of females, For the study type, the results indicated the absence of differences in personal adaptation, and social adaptation, and the total adaptation of the students is attributable to the type of school (public, private).