دراسة تحليلية لأنماط أسئلة الاختبارات التحصيلية لدى معلمــي التربية الاجتماعية والوطنية للصفوف الراب

An Analytical Study of the citizenship of Achievement test Questions Amongst Social and National Education Teachers
for 4th and 5th Grades at Southern Al-Mazar Directorate of Education
Ayat Jafar Al-Sarayreh
Mu'tah University, 2011

This study aimed at identifying the types of achievement test questions on final exams, prepared by social and citizenship education teachers for 4th and 5th basic classes, in light of (cognitive, Knowledge, comprehension and higher thinking levels, emotional and psycho-motor) objectives. And its relations lip with some of the variables such as (gender, grade, qualification and experience).
The population and sample of the study consisted of all achievement written tests at the governmental schools at southern Al-Mazar directorate of education, and the number of the tests was (82) tests which consisted of (1680) question distributed over three domains.
The findings of the study revealed that the general pattern of the final test questions focus on the cognitive dimension in general and on the level of comprehension in particular. Also, the findings revealed that there was a significant statistical relationship between the levels of final test questions at the cognitive dimension, gender, grade, and qualification variables in favor of the level of Knowledge. In addition, it showed that there was no statistical significant relationship at (α ≥ 0, 05) between the three dimensions (cognitive, emotional, and psycho-motor) and grade and qualification. Furthermore, the findings of the study indicated that there was no statistical significant relationship at (α ≥ 0, 05) between the three dimensions (cognitive, emotional, and psycho-motor) and gender and experience.
In light of the results of the study the researcher recommended that it is important to train social and national education teachers to prepare and write questions for all levels especially high level. and to condnet workshops for new teachers prepared by teachers of experience in teaching..