مقترحات لتحسين تدريس العلوم في المرحلة المتوسطة في المملكة العربية السعودية من وجهة نظر المعلمين

Improving Science Teaching in Intermediate Schools in Saudi Arabia: Teachers’ Perspective
Samer Ben Salem Alaamer
Mu'tah University, 2011

The aim of this study was to evaluate and rank the priority of number of factors that may improve science teaching in intermediate schools in Saudi Arabia from science teachers’ perspective.
In addition, the main effect of gender, major, and educational experience, and the interactions among them on teachers’ perspective was evaluated.
The population of this study consisted of all science teachers, regardless of gender, who teach in public intermediate schools in the city of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (N=265). Using purposive sampling, (197) science teachers were recruited to participate in this study by completing a written questionnaire.
The questionnaire consisted of (37) suggestions to improve teaching of science that were included under 4 domains (student, science teacher, teaching equipment, curriculum and textbooks).
The results of this study showed that science teachers favored teaching equipment improvement over the other (3) domains, with an average of (4.63), Science teachers thought that suggestions that are related to the teachers should come second, with an average of (4.45), Curriculum and textbooks development came third as science teachers average response was (4.43).and students should come last with an average of (4.45). Furthermore, the results of this study revealed a statically significant interaction effect of educational experience and major on teachers’ perspective regarding the suggestions that may improve science teaching in curriculum and textbooks (P0.05).
Based on the results of this study, the author emphasizes on the importance of science teachers’ perspective in improving the teaching of science teaching in intermediate schools in Saudi Arabia.
It is also recommended that the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia should conduct a periodic surveys and questionnaires of science teachers about their opinions and suggestions to improve science teaching. Their suggestions shall be ranked and implanted based on their perspective.