درجة إسهام مديري المدارس الثانوية في تعزيز الأمن الفكري

The degree of contribution of high school principals in Entrancing Intellectual Security from the
Third Secondary class Students Perspective at Al- Riyad Educational area
Suad Al Bigmi
Mu’tah University, 2008

This study aimed at identifying the degree of the contribution of high schools principles to enhance the intellectual security from third Secondary class students perspective.
To achieve the goals of the study a questionnaire was developed to collect the data and distributed to a sample of third Secondary class students consisted of (1753) for the academic year (2007/ 2008).
To answer the study questions, means, standard devotions, analysis of variance (MANOVA) were utilized. The finding of the study showed the following results:
1. The degree the principles of high school contribution in enhancing the intellectual security was medium.
2. There was a statistical significant effect attributed to the variable of gender, study major, and geographical area.
3. There was a statistical significant effect attributed to the interaction between the variable of gender and geographical area on the three dimension and the questionnaire as a whole.
4. There was a statistical significant effect due to the interaction between the variables of geographical area and study major on the dimension of the relation between the school and local community and the total.
5. There was a statistical significant effect attributed to the interaction between gender geographical area internet usage on the field of educational methods and the total.
The study Recommended to Establish Central administration in the ministry of ministry of Education named Intellectual Security Administration.