مستوى إدراك معلمات الصفوف الأساسية الأولى، لأهمية وتوافر خدمات الإرشاد التربوي في مدارس لواء المزار

The awareness level of the first primary grades teachers about the importance of educational counseling services in southern AL-Mazar District
Tharwat Al-Tarawneh
Mu'tah University, 2011

This study, aimed at identifying the awareness level of the first the primary grades teachers about the importance of educational counseling services in southern AL-Mazar District.
The study sample consisted of (150) primary grades female teachers, To achieve the goals of the study a scale has been built to identify the awareness the level of teachers about the importance of the availability of educational counseling services.
The results of this study have shown that there was high awareness of female teachers regarding to counseling awareness in primary schools, the where there were low availability in this side, also results have showed that there was high awareness regarding to academic side in this stage; the results have revealed that the availability of this side was low.
But for skillful side, the results showed that there was high awareness regarding to this side. While the availability of this was low in schools. There also was high awareness for the importance of councling relationship according to female teachers in this stage with low availability of this side.
With regarded to psych adoption results indicated high awarenes regarding to its importance according to those teachers due to the importance of this stage where as the availability of this side was low at schools.
The awareness of the prevention side was high and it's availability was low in this stage.