تحليل كتاب الرياضيات للصف الحادي عشر من مرحلة التعليم بعد الأساسي في ضوء نظرية التعلم المستند إلى ال


Analysis of the Math book for Eleventh grade post basic education in light of the theory of the brain-based learning


Sultan Mohammed Al.Rusheidi


Mu'tah University, 2011


This study aimed to analyze the Math book for Eleventh grade post basic education in light of the theory of the brain-based learning. The researcher has used the descriptive analytical method, by building the theoretical framework and analyzing the topics of the book which includes (81) topics distributed into (6) unites. In order to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher designed a study tool which is connected to the thought processes and he has distributed these processes into three ways, “the thought processes into the left side of the brain, the thought processes into the right side of the brain and the thought processes into both sides of the brain”.

The study tool has been shown to a group of specialists in the teaching methods, psychology and neurology for arbitration. After the arbitration of the tool and making the necessary modifications, the tool was implemented and its reliability was evaluated twice over 6 weeks using Holsti equation. Furthermore, in order to determine how much the book has utilized the thought processes, the researcher has used the following statistical methods: frequencies and percentages. As a result, the study showed that the book has not equally utilized the thought processes into the two sides of the brain and it did not pay attention to utilize some of these thought processes.

From the previous results, the study recommends a review of the content of the book and the thought processes it utilizes, and recommend organizing it according to the theory of the brain-based learning. Furthermore, the study suggested proposing an advance vision to teach Mathematics in light of the theory of brain-based learning.