صور الفعل المضارع في القراءات السّبع بين الصّيغ البديلة وقضايا الأصالة والفرعية

صور الفعل المضارع في القراءات السّبع بين الصّيغ البديلة وقضايا الأصالة والفرعيّة

سكينة مسلم الزغاليل
جامعة مؤتة، 2011م


تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان التغيّرات التي تحدث في صيغة الفعل المضارع وتُفسّر سبب تعدّد الأوجه القرائيّة التي جاء عليها في المواضع القرآنيّة نفسها للآيات الكريمة في كتاب "الكشف عن وجوه القراءات السبع وعللها وحججها" لمكي بن أبي طالب" وأنّ هذه الأوجه القرائيّة ما هي في حقيقة الأمر إلا صيغا بديلة لم تفضِ إلى ظهور معنى جديد.
وما أتى في حالات من تغيّرات في صورة المضارع قد عُدَّ تحوُّلاً إسناديًّا فلم يُحمل على الصيغ البديلة، وفي حالات كان المعنى العام في القراءتين واحداً مثل قراءة  التّشديد  والتّخفيف، ولكنّ المعنى الحقيقي اختلف تبعا لاختلاف الصيغ الصرفية، وفي حالات أخر توصّلت الدراسة إلى أنّ الصّيغتين البديلتين للمضارع نفسه لم تُضف إحداهما معنى نحويّاً مختلفاً.
واتّبعت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التّحليلي لرصدها الأفعال المضارعة من كتاب الكشف لمكي بن أبي طالب التي تُعَدُّ شواهدَ قرآنيّة لهذه الدراسة.
ثم قُسِّمت الدراسة إلى بابين، تناول الباب الأوّل العلاقات التركيبية في جملة الفعل المضارع،  وعالج هذا الباب موضوع الالتفات، لغة ومجازاً مقدّماً تاريخاً موجزاً عن نشأته وأقسامه في ضوء القراءات القرآنيّة، وكذلك موضوع أدوات التّحويل والحديث فيه عن نونيّ التّوكيد وأشكال التّحويل فيه .
أمّا الباب الثاني فقد جعلته ثلاثة فصول وهي: الأفعال المضارعة في حالة إفراد الفعل، والأفعال الخمسة وتحوّلاتها التّركيبيّة، وتذكير الفعل وتأنيثه مع الفاعل،  وخاتمة أُلحِق بها أهمّ النتائج التي توصّلت إليها الدّراسة.



Types of present tense verb in the seven Qur'anic readings (qira'at) in the point
of the alternative forms and the originality and branching.
Sukaynah muslimi-zzaġālīl
Mutah, University


This study aims at illustrating the changes that occur in the formulation of the present tense verb. It also explains the reason for the abundance of reading methods in which the present tense verb has been found in the same Qur'anic verses that were mentioned the the book of Makki Bin >abī ṭālib ">"al Kašf āti-ssab<. These different reading methods are actually nothing more than alternative forms that have not lead to new meanings and have not added any significance.
The cases in which the present tense verb has undergone changes, were considered as attributable transformation, hence, it was not considered as an alternative form. In other cases, the general meaning in both readings was considered uniform like gemination and ungemination (التشديد والتخفيف), but the actual significance has changed due to the change in morphological forms. The study has concluded that the alternative forms of the same present tense have not added a different morphological significance.
The study has used the analytical descriptive method to collect all the verbs from Al Kašf which are considered as Qur'anic examples for the study.
The study is divided into two parts: The first being about the structural relations in the present tense sentences. This part deals with the subject of  (Iltifāt) from the linguistic and tropal aspects; with introducing a brief history about its emergence and divisions. The first part also deals with the subject of transformation tools and the two emphasis nūns (نونا التوكيد).
The second part was divided into three subdivisions; the first talking about present tense verbs in the case of infinitive status, the second about the Five Verbs (الأفعال الخمسة) and there structural transformations, and the third was about masculinization or feminization according to the agent.
Last comes a conclusion mentioning the most important results the study has reached.
The cases in which the present tense verb has undergone changes, were considered as attributable transformation, hence, it was not considered as an alternative form. In other cases, the general meaning in both readings was considered uniform like gemination and ungemination (التشديد والتخفيف), but the actual significance has changed due to the change in morphological forms. The study has concluded that the alternative forms of the same present tense have not added a different morphological significance.
The study has used the analytical descriptive method to collect all the verbs from Al Kašf which are considered as Qur'anic examples for the study.
The study is divided into two parts: The first being about the structural relations in the present tense sentences. This part deals with the subject of  (Iltifāt) from the linguistic and tropal aspects; with introducing a brief history about its emergence and divisions. The first part also deals with the subject of transformation tools and the two emphasis nūns (نونا التوكيد).
The second part was divided into three subdivisions; the first talking about present tense verbs in the case of infinitive status, the second about the Five Verbs (الأفعال الخمسة) and there structural transformations, and the third was about masculinization or feminization according to the agent.
Last comes a conclusion mentioning the most important results the study has reached.