دور البيئة التنظيمية الداخلية في الدافعية للعمل لدى الموظفين في الدوائر الحكومية لمحافظات جنوب الأرد

The Rule of the Internal Organizational Environment on the Employees Motivation to Work in the
Governmental Departments for South Jordan
Ahmed Al-masoodi
Mu’tah University, 2011

This Study aimed at Identifying The Rule of the Internal Organizational Environment on the Employees' Motivation to Work in the Governmental Departments for South Jordan Provinces, and to achieve the objectives of the study a questionnaire was developed and distributed to the members of the study community, which was about (1585) worker, and the study sample reached (407) persons, and the results of the study showed that, the answers of the respondents toward the independent variable (internal organizational environment with its dimensions) was positive and at a medium level, and the dependant variable (motivation to work) was with a high level, and the study reached to the following results: There was a statistical significant effect at the significance level ( α ≤0.05) for the dimensions of internal organizational (regulations, instructors, procedures, work groups and organizational policies)on motivation to work, there were significant statistical differences at the significance level (α≤0.05) toward motivation to work, due to the variables personality, employment ( age and gender), and depending on the study results, a number of recommendations were formulated, which is as follow:

1- The necessity of providing of appropriate internal organizational environment by governmental departments for its employees, in order to reveal there creativity talent, therefore motivating them to work.

2- Transmitting the successful experience of the developed countries in public administrative science in order to get benefit from it to find acceptable environment in order to establish healthy organizations.