السلوك العدواني لدى الطلبة الأيتام وعلاقته بمفهوم الذات والتحصيل الدراسي في مدارس مديرية التربية وال

The Orphan Students Aggressive Behaviors And Its Relation With Self-concept And Educational
Performances at Al-Mazar Directorate of Educational School
Ziad Thalji Hamd Al-Tarawneh
Mu'tah University, 2011

The current study aimed to recognize the nature of the relationship between the aggressive behaviors of the orphan students with self-concept, and the educational performances at school.
The sample of study consisted of (256) students, (125) of them were male students, and (131) were female students, their ages between (13-18) years, they were chosen intentionally.
The results indicated the presence of aggressive behavior with a medium degree for the orphan students, at Al-Mazar directorate educational schools, from the view point of their teacher.
The results also indicated the presence of a medium self-concept for the orphan students from the view point of the students themselves.
The results also showed that there were differences with statistical significance in the teachers estimations for the aggressive behaviors for the orphan students according to the social variable (male, female students) growing stage late (child hood, and teenage stage) for the male students late childhood and teenage stages. The result also showed a significant negative relationship between the statistical achievement and aggressive behaviors.
The results showed there were no relationship for statistic hints between the aggressive behavior and the self-concept. In addition to The results showed astatically significant differences at (0.05 α≤ ) between the students at the level of achievement, aggressive behavior for students who have low and medium, for the students who have high aggressive behavior. They also appeared the presence of statically significance among the students at the level of achievement according to the self concept in favor of those who have a high self-concept.