أنماط التعلم المفضلة لدى طلبة المرحلة الثانوية وطرائق التدريس المستخدمة من قبل معلمي مبحث الدراسات ا


The Preferred Learning Styles weth in High School Students and Teaching Methods Used by Teachers of Social Studies  in the city of Tabuk


Abdullah Al- Atawi


Mu'tah University, 2011


The purpose of this study was to explore  learning styles favored by high school students and the teaching methods used by teachers of social studies in the city of Tabuk during the second semester of the academic year 2010/2011.

The sample of the study consisted of (537) students from high school students and (31) teachers of social studies in secondary school.

The Kolb questionnaire was used to determine the preferred learning styles among students, while interview was used to detect commonly teaching methods used by Social Studies teachers.

  Frequencies, percentages, and Chi square test were used to answer the study questions.

The results showed that the most preferred learning styles among students is the realistic spontaneous learning style which detect tangible facts by direct experiments(32%) , and the least preferred style was the conceptual specified learning style  which educe the scientific rules(20.7%).

The study also found that the learning styles don't differ according to Students average, and grade. In addition, the mostly common used teaching  methods  is  the discussion and dialogue.

Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommended that the teachers need to take into consideration learning styles of their students, and they should use the teaching methods that are commensurate with actual spontaneous learning style which is the most favored among high school students.