الشفافية الإدارية وعلاقتها بالرضا الوظيفي للمعلمين في منطقة تبوك في المملكة العربية السعودية من وجهة

Management lucidity and its relation with the job satisfacation for teachers in Tabuk district in sudi
Arabia king dom regarding to their point of view
Mohammad Bin Ali Alid
Mutah University 2011

This study aimed at identifying the management lucidity for school managers and teachers job satiafacation in Tabuk district in sudi Arabia king dom regarding to their point of view.
The study society consisted of school teachers in educational Tabuk district (5929) ,and to develop the goals of the study ,two questionaires have been developed in which each one has four fields the first about management lucidity and the second about teacher job satisfacation in which it has been distributed on a sample consisted of (600) teachers after a finding out the validity and reliability by instruments also statistical processing has been used by using (spss) programme to process study data in which To process study data in which statistic means and standered deviation has been calculated exactly for the answers of studysample on each scalw plus using one way Anova and using person co-relation.
The study ended with some results =the level of applying management lucidity for school managers came moderately regarding to teachers point of view the result have shown that the level of hob satisfication for the same teachers also came moderately
The result also showed that there were some statistical differences regarding to management lucidity degree for managers regarding to teachers point of view which attribute certificate variable ,experience and studying ,also there were statistical differences for the level of teachers job staistfaction regarding and studing stage-also there were positive relation between teachers job satisfication and management ludicidty .
The study recommended for improving teachers job ,paying them more freedom to give their opinion and to participate in decision making process and to use the shared leadership method ,making workshops for managers about the importance of human relations ,the best leadership lucidity applying and removing obsticals that face the achieving of job satistaction inside schools