دور المشرف التربوي في تنمية المعلمين الجدد مهنياً في منطقة تبوك التعليمية من وجهة نظرهم


The Role of the Educational Supervisor in the professional development of new Teachers Professionally in Tabuk Educational District Based on their Perspective


Marzkah hamoed Al-balaw
Mutah University, 2011

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of educational supervisor in the professional development of new teachers.

Population of the study was 1167 new teachers. The sample f the study consisted of 612 new teachers were selected by using random sampling procedure for the academic year of (2009/2010).

To achieve the objectives of the study; a questionaire consisted of 47 items was developed and distributed into five dimensions: Planning, teaching Skills, classroom Management, Evaluation, and curriculum. The results of the study showed that the new teachers indicated that the role of the educational suprevisor in their development was medium degree on all dimensions with a mean of (3-71), and that the dimension of curriculum came first. Next came the classroom management. In the third place was the field of teaching skills. Then appeared the dimension of evaluation. Finally, there was the dimension of planning. Also, the results showed that there were no significant differences on these dimensions attributed to the vaiables of gender, specialization and grade from their perspective in the role of supervisors in their professional development.

The study recommended that the Ministry of Education has to focus more on the role of the supervisor in assissting and supporting new teachers through adopting training programmes and workshops that help in preparing new teachers prion to starting their teaching career.

This preparation should include the following dimensions: classroom management, planning, teaching skills empowerment, teaching, and curriculum evaluation, also, the appointment of Administrators and Educators who are specialized in training should be included.

Educational qualification and teacher's preparation programmes at the university should be reviewed in coordination with the Ministry of Education and with relevant authorities.